Author(s) :
Ixone Arroabarren (Universidad Publica de Navarra, SPAIN)
Alfonso Carlosena (Universidad Publica de Navarra, SPAIN)
Abstract : In this paper, a novel Non-Interactive Source-Filter model for singing voice, incorporating vibrato, is proposed. In this way the periodic frequency variation, peculiar to vibrato is included in a simplified signal model for singing voice pro-duction. The inclusion of vibrato will further allow to relate two distinct signal models for the voice: The Non Interactive Source-Filter and the Sinusoidal Models. In this way, the Instantaneous Amplitude and Instantaneous Frequency of the harmonics, which are intrinsically Sinusoidal Model parameters, will be related to the glottal source and vocal tract response, typical of the Source-Filter model. Thanks to the proposed model, the most relevant acoustic features of vibrato will be related to the voice production mechanisms.
