Report on the 9th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2011)

Following the eight successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes 2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009 and Grenoble 2010), the 9th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2011) was successfully held in Madrid, Spain, from 13th to 15th June and hosted by the Video Processing and Understanding Lab (VPULab) and the Information Retrieval Group (IRG) of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Over 60 participants attended the workshop that was held at the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The workshop was technically sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and EURASIP.

CBMI 2011 received 77 submissions (71 papers and 6 demo proposals) from which the program committee selected 26 for oral presentations, 14 for poster presentations and 3 for demo presentations. Over 60 participants attended the workshop featuring six oral sessions (two of them special sessions on “Event-based multimedia indexing” and on “Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Cultural Heritage Objects”), and two poster and demo sessions. In addition, it featured three keynote talks given by Jiebo Luo, from Kodak Research Laboratories (US), on “Understanding Multimedia Content Using Web Scale Social Media Data”,  Ferran Marqués, from the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (Spain), on “Region-based semantic image analysis: Application to image and video indexing”, and Stefan Rüger, from the Open University (UK), on “Are we there yet? Challenges and opportunities for content-based multimedia  indexing”.

We hope all the participants experienced the hospitality of the City of Madrid and enjoyed CBMI 2011 and the Flamenco social event.

The CBMI 2011 organizing committee would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that contributed towards the success of the workshop. We would especially like to thank all the authors, keynote speakers, TPC members, reviewers and participants.

José M. Martínez

(On behalf of the CBMI 2011 organizing committee)