EUSIPCO'2002 banner

Paper data
A pipelined Fast Newton Transversal Filter

Glentis George, TEI of Crete, Branch at Chania, Dept. Electronics, 3 Romanou Str, Halepa, Chania 73133, GREECE

Page numbers in the proceedings:
Volume II pp 155-158

Adaptive Filtering

Paper abstract
In this paper a Pipelined Fast Newton Transversal Filter, (PFNTF), is presented for adaptive filtering and system identification. First, adaptation delay is introduced that allows for pipelining of the adaptive filter. Proper correction terms are subsequently utilized that compensate for the adaptation delay and provide results identical to the original FNTF algorithm, subject to an output delay. The performance of the proposed pipelined scheme is illustrated by computer simulation.

A PDF version is available here
