Papers by Title
1-Bit Massive MIMO Downlink Based on Constructive Interference
A Bayesian Blind Source Separation Method for a Linear-quadratic Model
A CNN-GRU Approach to Capture Time-Frequency Pattern Interdependence for Snore Sound Classification
A Colour Hit-or-Miss Transform Based on a Rank Ordered Distance Measure
A Comparative Study of Orthogonal Moments for Micro-Doppler Classification
A Comparison of Audio Signal Preprocessing Methods for Deep Neural Networks on Music Tagging
A Compressed Encoding Scheme for Approximate TDOA Estimation
A Data Driven Empirical Iterative Algorithm for GSR Signal Pre-Processing
A Deep Learning MI-EEG Classification Model for BCIs
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Early Classification of Time Series
A Dynamic Model of Synthetic Resting-State Brain Hemodynamics
A Factorization Approach to Smoothing of Hidden Reciprocal Models
A Fast and Accurate Automated Pavement Crack Detection Algorithm
A Fast Eigen-based Signal Combining Algorithm by Using CORDIC
A Fast Endmember Estimation Algorithm from Compressive Measurements
A Forward-Looking Sonar Progressive Coding Using Morphological Skeleton Representation
A Framework for Assessing Factors Influencing User Interaction for Touch-based Biometrics
A Fresh Look at the Semiparametric Cramér-Rao Bound
A Hierarchical Ensemble Classifier for Multilabel Segmentation of Fat-Water MR Images
A Hierarchical Latent Mixture Model for Polyphonic Music Analysis
A Holistic Automatic Method for Grouping Facial Features Based on Their Appearance
A Layer-wise Score Level Ensemble Framework for Acoustic Scene Classification
A Lossless Image Coding Method Based on Probability Model Optimization
A New Approach to Sample Entropy of Multi-channel Signals: Application to EEG Signals
A New Beamformer Design Method for Multi-Group Multicasting by Enforcing Constructive Interference
A New Blind Beamforming Technique for the Alignment and Enhancement of Seismic Signals
A New Stream Cipher Based on Nonlinear Dynamic System
A Novel Formulation of Independence Detection Based on the Sample Characteristic Function
A Novel Kinect V2 Registration Method Using Color and Deep Geometry Descriptors
A Novel Method for Sampling Bandlimited Graph Signals
A Novel Method for Topological Embedding of Time-Series Data
A Novel Online Generalized Possibilistic Clustering Algorithm for Big Data Processing
A Novel Recursive Bayesian Weighted Instrumental Variable Estimator for 3D Bearings-only TMA
A Plug and Play Bayesian Algorithm for Solving Myope Inverse Problems
A Preconditioned Graph Diffusion LMS for Adaptive Graph Signal Processing
A Proximal Method for Convolutional Dictionary Learning with Convergence Property
A Rendering Solution to Display Light Field in Virtual Reality
A Residual Encoder-Decoder Network for Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
A Resolution Enhancement Technique for Ultrafast Coded Medical Ultrasound
A Sequence-Filter Joint Optimization
A Study on the Impact of Visualization Techniques on Light Field Perception
A Trace Lasso Regularized L1-norm Graph Cut for Highly Correlated Noisy Hyperspectral Image
A Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors Framework for Action Recognition on Motion Capture Data
Abnormal Behavior Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Density Heatmaps and Optical Flow
Acoustic Beamforming in Front of a Reflective Plane
Acoustic Event Classification Using Multi-resolution HMM
Acoustic Scene Analysis Using Partially Connected Microphones Based on Graph Cepstrum
Acoustic Scene Classification from Few Examples
Active Content Fingerprinting Using Latent Data Representation, Extractor and Reconstructor
Active Learning for One-Class Classification Using Two One-Class Classifiers
Adaptive Guided Upsampling for Color Image Demosaicking
Adaptive Video Encoding for Time-Constrained Compression and Delivery
ADS-B Signal Signature Extraction for Intrusion Detection in the Air Traffic Surveillance System
Advanced Cyclostationary-Based Analysis for Condition Monitoring of Complex Systems
Adversarial Machine Learning Against Digital Watermarking
Adversarial Malware Binaries: Evading Deep Learning for Malware Detection in Executables
Adversarial Multimedia Forensics: Overview and Challenges Ahead
An Acoustic Image-Source Characterisation of Surface Profiles
An ADMM Algorithm for Constrained Material Decomposition in Spectral CT
An Efficient Lossless Compression Algorithm for Electrocardiogram Signals
An Efficient Machine Learning-Based Fall Detection Algorithm Using Local Binary Features
An Enhanced Chirp Modulated Golay Code for Ultrasound Diverging Wave Compounding
An Enhanced Interleaving Frame Loss Concealment Method for Voice over IP Network Services
An Entropy-Based Approach for Shape Description
An Extended Kalman Filter for RTF Estimation in Dual-Microphone Smartphones
An Extension of Averaged-Operator-Based Algorithms
An Overview of Recent Advances in Assessing and Mitigating the Face Morphing Attack
An Unsupervised Frame Selection Technique for Robust Emotion Recognition in Noisy Speech
Analog-to-Feature (A2F) Conversion for Audio-Event Classification
Analysis of Activity States of Local Neuronal Microcircuits in Mouse Brain
Analysis of Adversarial Attacks Against CNN-based Image Forgery Detectors
Anomalous Sound Event Detection Based on WaveNet
Anomaly Detection Based on Feature Reconstruction from Subsampled Audio Signals
Anti-forensics of JPEG Compression Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Application-Layer Redundancy for the EVS Codec
Arbitrary Length Perfect Integer Sequences Using Geometric Series
Area-Based Depth Estimation for Monochromatic Feature-Sparse Orthographic Capture
Assessing Tissue Heterogeneity by non-Gaussian Measures in a Permeable Environment
Asymmetric Supercardioid Beamforming Using Circular Microphone Arrays
Audio Virtualization of Façade Acoustic Insulation by Convex Optimization
Authentication of Galileo GNSS Signal by Superimposed Signature with Artificial Noise
Automated Detection of Solar Cell Defects with Deep Learning
Automated Tire Footprint Segmentation
Automatic Chord Recognition with Higher-Order Harmonic Language Modelling
Automatic Detection of Image Morphing by Topology-based Analysis
Automatic Flower and Visitor Detection System
Automatic Speech Pronunciation Correction with Dynamic Frequency Warping-Based Spectral Conversion
Automatic Speech Translation System Selecting Target Language by Direction-of-Arrival Information
Autonomous Person Detection and Tracking Framework Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Bayesian Multi-Class Covariance Matrix Filtering for Adaptive Environment Learning
Bayesian Restoration of High-Dimensional Photon-Starved Images
Bayesian Target Enumeration and Labeling Using Radar Data of Human Gait
Bayesian Track-to-Graph Association for Maritime Traffic Monitoring
Beam Shape Calibration for Multi-Beam Radio Astronomical Phased Arrays
Beamforming-Based Acoustic Source Localization and Enhancement for Multirotor UAVs
Beat Tracking Using Recurrent Neural Network: a Transfer Learning Approach
Bilinear Residual Neural Network for the Identification and Forecasting of Geophysical Dynamics
Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Inference on GPUs
Binary Sequences Set with Small ISL for MIMO Radar Systems
Bitrate and Tandem Detection for the AMR-WB Codec with Application to Network Testing
Blind Channel Direction Separation Against Pilot Spoofing Attack in Massive MIMO System
Blind Detection and Localization of Video Temporal Splicing Exploiting Sensor-Based Footprints
Blind Identification of Invertible Graph Filters with Multiple Sparse Inputs
Blind Multi-class Ensemble Learning with Dependent Classifiers
Blind Spectrum Sensing Based on Recurrence Quantification Analysis in the Context of Cognitive Radio
Camera-based Image Forgery Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Capsule Routing for Sound Event Detection
Centerline Articulatory Models of the Velum and Epiglottis for Articulatory Synthesis of Speech
Channel Estimation Based on the Discrete Cosine Transform Type-III Even
Characterization of Mental States Through Node Connectivity Between Brain Signals
Characterizing 3D Shapes: a Complex Network-Based Approach
Classification Asymptotics in the Random Matrix Regime
Classification by Re-Generation: Towards Classification Based on Variational Inference
Classification of EEG Signals Based on Mean-Square Error Optimal Time-Frequency Features
Classification of Volcano-Seismic Signals with Bayesian Neural Networks
Coding Gain Optimized 8-Point DST with Fast Algorithm for Intra-frames in Video Coding
Coherence Constrained Alternating Least Squares
Colorblind-friendly Halftoning
Combined Sparse Regularization for Nonlinear Adaptive Filters
Comparative Study on Spoken Language Identification Based on Deep Learning
Comparative Study on Univariate Forecasting Methods for Meteorological Time Series
Comparison of Interactive Subjective Methodologies for Light Field Quality Evaluation
Comparison of Parametric and Non-Parametric Population Modelling of Sport Performances
Complete Model Selection in Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis
Compound Facial Expressions in 3D Faces: Forced and Spontaneous
Compressed Edge Spectrum Sensing for Wideband Cognitive Radios
Compressive Sensing of Temporally Correlated Sources Using Isotropic Multivariate Stable Laws
Computational Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Speech Based on Regularization Methods
Computationally Efficient Image Super Resolution from Totally Aliased Low Resolution Images
Connectivity Modulations Induced by Reaching&Grasping Movements
Consistent Spectral Methods for Dimensionality Reduction
Constrained Particle Filter for Improving Kinect Based Measurements
Continuous Refocusing for Integral Microscopy with Fourier Plane Recording
Convolutional Neural Networks for Heart Sound Segmentation
Convolutional Neural Networks Without Any Checkerboard Artifacts
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Urban Sound Classification Using Raw Waveforms
Convolving Gaussian Kernels for RNN-based Beat Tracking
Cooperative Renewable Energy Management with Distributed Generation
Coupled Autoencoder Based Reconstruction of Images from Compressively Sampled Measurements
Coverage-Improvement of V2I Communication Through Car-Relays in Microcellular Urban Networks
Cross-layer Optimization in Terminals
CycleGAN-VC: Non-parallel Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
Data-Selective Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
DC-offset Estimation of Multiple CW Micro Doppler Radar
Decentralized Sensor Localization by Decision Fusion of RSSI and Mobility in Indoor Environments
Decision Level Fusion: An Event Driven Approach
Decision Statistics for Noncoherent Signal Detection in Multi-Element Antenna Arrays
Decisions Under Binary Messaging over Adaptive Networks
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Chaos Identification in Signal Processing
Deep Neural Networks for Joint Voice Activity Detection and Speaker Localization
Deep Neuroevolution: Training Deep Neural Networks for False Alarm Detection in Intensive Care Units
Deep Residual Neural Network for EMI Event Classification Using Bispectrum Representations
DeepMQ: A Deep Learning Approach Based Myelin Quantification in Microscopic Fluorescence Images
Defect Detection from 3D Ultrasonic Measurements Using Matrix-free Sparse Recovery Algorithms
Design of Optimal Frequency-Selective FIR Filters Using a Memetic Algorithm
Detecting Adversarial Examples - A Lesson from Multimedia Security
Detection and Estimation of Unmodeled Chirps
Detection of North Atlantic Right Whales with a Hybrid System of CNN and Dictionary Learning
Diarization and Separation Based on a Data-Driven Simplex
Dictionary Learning for Photometric Redshift Estimation
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Uniform Rectangular Array: A Multilinear Projection Approach
Distant Noise Reduction Based on Multi-delay Noise Model Using Distributed Microphone Array
DQLC Optimization for Joint Source Channel Coding of Correlated Sources over Fading MAC
Dual-Channel VTS Feature Compensation with Improved Posterior Estimation
Dynamic Allocation of Processing Resources in Cloud-RAN for a Virtualised 5G Mobile Network
Dynamics and Periodicity Based Multirate Fast Transient-Sound Detection
Ear Presentation Attack Detection: Benchmarking Study with First Lenslet Light Field Database
ECA Filter Effects on Ground Clutter Statistics in DVB-T Based Passive Radar
Effect of Random Sampling on Noisy Nonsparse Signals in Time-Frequency Analysis
Effect of Training and Test Datasets on Image Restoration and Super-Resolution by Deep Learning
Effective Network Area for Efficient Simulation of Finite Area Wireless Networks
Efficient Ambiguity Resolution in Polarimetric Multi-View Stereo
Efficient and Stable Joint Eigenvalue Decomposition Based on Generalized Givens Rotations
Efficient Calibration of Radio Interferometers Using Block LDU Decomposition
Efficient Channel Estimation in Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO Systems with Low Resolution ADCs
Efficient Light Field Image Coding with Depth Estimation and View Synthesis
Efficient ML-Estimator for Blind Reverberation Time Estimation
Efficient Sampling Rate Offset Compensation - An Overlap-Save Based Approach
Efficient Semi-Blind Subspace Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM System
Efficient Variance-reduced Learning over Multi-agent Networks
Elastic Neural Networks: A Scalable Framework for Embedded Computer Vision
Electrolaryngeal Speech Enhancement with Statistical Voice Conversion Based on CLDNN
Embedding Intelligent Features for Vibration-Based Machine Condition Monitoring
Emotion Estimation in Crowds: The Interplay of Motivations and Expectations in Individual Emotions
End-to-End Real-Time ROI-based Encryption in HEVC Videos
Ensemble Learning for Detection of Short Episodes of Atrial Fibrillation
Entry-wise Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries
Estimating Faults Modes in Ball Bearing Machinery Using a Sparse Reconstruction Framework
Estimating Secret Parameters of a Random Number Generator from Time Series by Auto-synchronization
Estimating the Topology of Neural Networks from Distributed Observations
Estimation of Bandlimited Signals on Graphs from Single Bit Recordings of Noisy Samples
Estimation of Missing Data in Fetal Heart Rate Signals Using Shift-Invariant Dictionary
Estimation of Pitch Targets from Speech Signals by Joint Regularized Optimization
Evolutionary Resampling for Multi-Target Tracking Using Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
Explaining Black-box Android Malware Detection
Exterior and Interior Sound Field Separation Using Convex Optimization: Comparison of Signal Models
Extracting PRNU Noise from H.264 Coded Videos
Extrapolated Projection Methods for PAPR Reduction
Extreme Learning Machine for Graph Signal Processing
Face Demorphing in the Presence of Facial Appearance Variations
Face Frontalization for Cross-Pose Facial Expression Recognition
Facet-Based Regularization for Scalable Radio-Interferometric Imaging
Fast Algorithms for the Schur-Type Nonlinear Parametrization of Higher-Order Stochastic Processes
Fast and Accurate Gaussian Pyramid Construction by Extended Box Filtering
Fast Convergence for Stochastic and Distributed Gradient Descent in the Interpolation Limit
Fast Hyperspectral Cube Reconstruction for a Double Disperser Imager
Fast Multi-Lane Detection and Modeling for Embedded Platforms
Feature Fusion via Tensor Network Summation
Feature Trajectories Selection for Video Stabilization
Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Through Sparse Cross-correlation
Fooling PRNU-Based Detectors Through Convolutional Neural Networks
Free-walking 3D Pedestrian Large Trajectory Reconstruction from IMU Sensors
Fundamental Limits for Joint Relative Position and Orientation Estimation with Generic Antennas
Fusion of Community Structures in Multiplex Networks by Label Constraints
Fusion of EEG and fMRI via Soft Coupled Tensor Decompositions
Generalized Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators in the Large Sample Regime
Generative Adversarial Network-Based Approach to Signal Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrogram
GPU-Optimised Low-Latency Online Search for Gravitational Waves from Binary Coalescences
Graph Manifold Clustering Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Face Recognition
Graph Representation Using Mutual Information for Graph Model Discrimination
Graph Similarity Based on Graph Fourier Distances
Graph Spectral Domain Shape Representation
Graph Structured Dictionary for Regression
Graph-Based Inpainting of Disocclusion Holes for Zooming in 3D Scenes
Greedy Recovery of Sparse Signals with Dynamically Varying Support
Heuristics for Efficient Sparse Blind Source Separation
Hierarchic ConvNets Framework for Rare Sound Event Detection
High Frequency Noise Detection and Handling in ECG Signals
High-Order CPD Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction Using A Tensor Train Model
How Much Will Tiny IoT Nodes Profit from Massive Base Station Arrays?
Hybrid Analog-Digital Precoding for Interference Exploitation
Hypo and Hyperarticulated Speech Data Augmentation for Spontaneous Speech Recognition
Identification of Multichannel AR Models with Additive Noise: a Frisch Scheme Approach
Image Analysis Based Fish Tail Beat Frequency Estimation for Fishway Efficiency
Impacts of Viewing Conditions on HDR-VDP2
Improved Adaptive Importance Sampling Based on Variational Inference
Improved ADMM-Based Algorithm for Multi-Group Multicast Beamforming in Large-Scale Antenna Systems
Improved Direct-path Dominance Test for Speaker Localization in Reverberant Environments
Improved Discrete Grey Wolf Optimizer
Improved Pairwise Embedding for High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding
Improved Protein Residue-Residue Contact Prediction Using Image Denoising Methods
Improving EEG Source Localization Through Spatio-Temporal Sparse Bayesian Learning
Improving Graph Convolutional Networks with Non-Parametric Activation Functions
In Search for Improved Auxiliary Particle Filters
Incoherent Projection Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing Using Alternating Optimization
Independent Deeply Learned Matrix Analysis for Multichannel Audio Source Separation
Independent Low-Rank Tensor Analysis for Audio Source Separation
Independent Positive Semidefinite Tensor Analysis in Blind Source Separation
Infant Cry Detection in Adverse Acoustic Environments by Using Deep Neural Networks
Inferring User Gender from User Generated Visual Content on a Deep Semantic Space
Information Fusion Based Quality Enhancement for 3D Stereo Images Using CNN
Information Subspace-Based Fusion for Vehicle Classification
Injecting Image Priors into Learnable Compressive Subsampling
Interference-based Clustering for MIMO D2D Underlay Communications
Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition and Disparity Estimation with Deep Encoder-Decoder Network
Iterative Equalization Based on Expectation Propagation: a Frequency Domain Approach
Iterative Reconstruction of Spectrally Sparse Signals from Level Crossings
Jacobi Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Transform Learning
Joint Graph Learning and Signal Recovery via Kalman Filter for Multivariate Autoregressive Processes
Joint Identification and Localization of a Speaker in Adverse Conditions Using a Microphone Array
Joint Localization and Clock Offset Estimation via Time-Of-Arrival with Ranging Offset
Joint Long-Term Admission Control and Beamforming in Downlink MISO Networks
Joint Low Mutual and Average Coherence Dictionary Learning
Joint Optimization of Caching and Transport in Proactive Edge Cloud
Kernel Adaptive Hammerstein Filter
Knowledge-Aided Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding Algorithms for Sparse Recovery
LCMV Beamformer with DNN-based Multichannel Concurrent Speakers Detector
Learning Dictionary-Based Unions of Subspaces for Image Denoising
Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Spectra
Lenslet Light Field Imaging Scalable Coding
Lenslet Light Field Panorama Creation: a Sub-Aperture Image Stitching Approach
Light Field Compression of HDCA Images Combining Linear Prediction and JPEG 2000
Light Field Image Coding Using High Order Prediction Training
Light-fields of Circular Camera Arrays
Linear Convergence of Stochastic Block-Coordinate Fixed Point Algorithms
Localization of Near-Field Signals Based on Linear Prediction and Oblique Projection Operator
Lossy Audio Compression Identification
Low Cost Setup for High Resolution Multiview Panorama Recording and Registration
Low-Complexity RLS Algorithms for the Identification of Bilinear Forms
Low-Rank Channel and Interference Estimation in mm-Wave Massive Antenna Arrays
Low-Rate Farrow Structure with Discrete-Lowpass and Polynomial Support for Audio Resampling
Machine Learning for User Traffic Classification in Wireless Systems
Metagenomic Composition Analysis of Sedimentary Ancient DNA from the Isle of Wight
Minimum Length Solution for One-Dimensional Discrete Phase Retrieval Problem
Missing Sample Estimation Based on High-Order Sparse Linear Prediction for Audio Signals
Model Based Estimation of STP Parameters for Binaural Speech Enhancement
Model-Based Voice Activity Detection in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks
Modeling the Pairwise Disparities in High Density Camera Arrays
Modeling the Visual Pathway for Stimulus Optimization in Brain-Computer Interfaces
Modeling Time of Arrival Probability Distribution and TDOA Bias in Acoustic Emission Testing
Modulation-Domain Parametric Multichannel Kalman Filtering for Speech Enhancement
Morphing Detection Using a General-Purpose Face Recognition System
Mosquito Wingbeat Analysis and Classification Using Deep Learning
Motor Condition Monitoring by Empirical Wavelet Transform
Multi-Bernoulli Filter Implementation in Images
Multi-Channel Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Overlapped Acoustic Event Detection
Multi-frequency Phase Retrieval from Noisy Data
Multi-Resolution Coded Apertures Based on Side Information for Single Pixel Spectral Reconstruction
Multi-Resolution Reconstructions from Compressive Spectral Coded Projections
Multi-Satellite Cycle-Slip Detection and Exclusion Using the Noise Subspace of Residual Dynamics
Multi-Shot Single Sensor Light Field Camera Using a Color Coded Mask
Multi-stereo Matching for Light Field Camera Arrays
Multichannel Audio Front-End for Far-Field Automatic Speech Recognition
Multifractal Characterization for Bivariate Data
Multiple Cyber-Threats Containment via Kendall's Birth-Death-Immigration Model
Multiscale DCNN Ensemble Applied to Human Activity Recognition Based on Wearable Sensors
Municipal Infrastructure Anomaly and Defect Detection
Network Utility Maximization for Adaptive Resource Allocation in DSL Systems
Neural-Network Supervised Maximum Likelihood-based On-Line Dereverberation
New Results on LMVDR Estimators for LDSS Models
Non-intrusive Fingerprints Extraction from Hyperspectral Imagery
Non-parametric Characterization of Gravitational-Wave Polarizations
Nonlinear Prediction of Speech by Echo State Networks
Nonunitary Joint Diagonalization for Overdetermined Convolutive Blind Signal Separation
Novel Algorithm for Incremental L1-Norm Principal-Component Analysis
Numerical Stability of Spline-Based Gabor-like Systems
Object Detection on Compressive Measurements Using Correlation Filters and Sparse Representation
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Classification Using Analysis of Breathing Sounds During Speech
Octonion Sparse Representation for Color and Multispectral Image Processing
Octonion Spectrum of 3D Octonion-Valued Signals - Properties and Possible Applications
On Cyclostationarity-Based Signal Detection
On Deep Learning for Inverse Problems
On Multi-View Face Recognition Using Lytro Images
On Optimal Filtering for Speech Decomposition
On Partial Response Signaling for MIMO Equalization on Multi-Gbit/s Electrical Interconnects
On Room Impulse Response Measurement Using Perfect Sequences for Wiener Nonlinear Filters
On the Angular Resolution Limit Uncertainty
On the Automatic Validation of Speech Alignment
On the Detection of Low Rank Matrices in the High-Dimensional Regime
On the Impact of Tensor Completion in the Classification of Undersampled Hyperspectral Imagery
On the Most Informative Slice of Bicoherence That Characterizes Resting State Brain Connectivity
On the Possibility to Achieve 6-DoF for 360 Video Using Divergent Multi-View Content
On the Time-Frequency Reassignment of Interfering Modes in Multicomponent FM Signals
Online Parametric NMF for Speech Enhancement
Online Prediction of Robot to Human Handover Events Using Vibrations
Online Recovery of Time-varying Signals Defined over Dynamic Graphs
Operational Rate-Constrained Beamforming in Binaural Hearing Aids
Optimal Estimation with Extended Battery Life in Wireless Sensor Networks
Optimal SWIPT Beamforming for MISO Interfering Broadcast Channels with Multi-Type Receivers
Optimized Binary Hashing Codes Generated by Siamese Neural Networks for Image Retrieval
Optimizing Approximate Message Passing for Variable Measurement Noise
Optimum Detection for a Class of Stationary Meteorological Radars
P-score: Performance Aligned Normalization and an Evaluation in Score-level Multi-biometric Fusion
Parallel and Hybrid Soft-Thresholding Algorithms with Line Search for Sparse Nonlinear Regression
Parameter Domain Loudness Estimation in Parametric Audio Object Coding
Path Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for k-Sparse Image Reconstruction
Perceived Quality of Audio-Visual Stimuli Containing Streaming Audio Degradations
Performance Analysis of Uplink Massive MIMO System over Rician Fading Channel
Performance Bounds for Change Point and Time Delay Estimation
Performance of Nested vs. Non-Nested SVM Cross-Validation Methods in Visual BCI: Validation Study
Phylogenetic Analysis of Multimedia Codec Software
Physical Layer Communications System Design Over-the-Air Using Adversarial Networks
Piano Legato-Pedal Onset Detection Based on a Sympathetic Resonance Measure
Pipeline Comparison for the Pre-Processing of Resting-State Data in Epilepsy
Playlist-Based Tag Propagation for Improving Music Auto-Tagging
Plenoptic Sensor: Application to Extend Field-Of-View
Poisson Image Denoising Using Best Linear Prediction: A Post-processing Framework
Prediction Methods for Time Evolving Dyadic Processes
Prior Influence on Weiss-Weinstein Bounds for Multiple Change-Point Estimation
Privacy-Preserving Indexing of Iris-Codes with Cancelable Bloom Filter-based Search Structures
PRNU-based Image Classification of Origin Social Network with CNN
Proactive Computation Caching Policies for 5G-and-beyond Mobile Edge Cloud Networks
Putting the PRNU Model in Reverse Gear: Findings with Synthetic Signals
Quantitative and Binary Steganalysis in JPEG: A Comparative Study
Radio Imaging with Information Field Theory
Randomly Sketched Sparse Subspace Clustering for Acoustic Scene Clustering
Range Estimation from Single-Photon Lidar Data Using a Stochastic EM Approach
Rate Distortion Optimized Graph Partitioning for Omnidirectional Image Coding
Rate-Distortion Optimized Super-Ray Merging for Light Field Compression
Raw Multi-Channel Audio Source Separation Using Multi-Resolution Convolutional Auto-Encoders
Real-time DCT Learning-based Reconstruction of Neural Signals
Real-Time Deep Learning Method for Abandoned Luggage Detection in Video
Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Artificial Feed-Forward Neural Networks and EMG
Real-Time Quality Assessment of Videos from Body-Worn Cameras
Rebroadcast Attacks: Defenses, Reattacks, and Redefenses
Reconstruction of the Virtual Microphone Signal Based on the Distributed Ray Space Transform
Recovery of Linearly Mixed Sparse Sources from Multiple Measurement Vectors Using l1-Minimization
Recurrent Neural Networks with Weighting Loss for Early Prediction of Hand Movements
Recursive Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Online Multi-Microphone Noise Reduction
Reduced-Complexity Semi-Distributed Multi-Channel Multi-Frame MVDR Filter
Reducing the False Alarm Rate for Face Morph Detection by a Morph Pipeline Footprint Detector
Reflection Analysis for Face Morphing Attack Detection
Regularizing Autoencoder-Based Matrix Completion Models via Manifold Learning
Renewable Energy Optimization with Centralized and Distributed Generation
RepoBIT: Cloud-Driven Real-Time Biosignal Streaming, Storage, Visualisation and Sharing
Resolution Enhancement and Interference Suppression for Planetary Radar Sounders
Resource Allocation for QF VMIMO Receive Cooperation in Urban Traffic Hotspots
Respiratory Rate Monitoring by Video Processing Using Local Motion Magnification
Rethinking Compressive Sensing
Road Surface Crack Detection Using a Light Field Camera
Robotic Mobility Diversity Algorithm with Continuous Search Space
Robust Data Hiding Scheme for Compressively Sensed Signals
Robust Detection and Estimation of Change-Points in a Time Series of Multivariate Images
Robust Expectation Propagation in Factor Graphs Involving Both Continuous and Binary Variables
Robust Subspace Clustering for Radar Detection
Robustifying Sequential Multiple Hypothesis Tests in Distributed Sensor Networks
Sampling a Noisy Multiple Output Channel to Maximize the Capacity
Sampling and Reconstruction of Band-limited Graph Signals Using Graph Syndromes
Sampling Phase Estimation in Underwater PPM Fractionally Sampled Equalization
Satellite Image Segmentation with Deep Residual Architectures for Time-Critical Applications
Scalable Light Field Coding with Support for Region of Interest Enhancement
Scale-free Functional Connectivity Analysis from Source Reconstructed MEG Data
Semi-supervised Learning for Dynamic Modeling of Brain Signals During Visual and Auditory Tests
Sensing Matrix Sensitivity to Random Gaussian Perturbations in Compressed Sensing
Sequential Polynomial QR Decomposition and Decoding of Frequency Selective MIMO Channels
Short-Duration Doppler Spectrogram for Person Recognition with a Handheld Radar
Signal Reconstruction from Sub-sampled and Nonlinearly Distorted Observations
Skeleton-based Action Recognition Based on Deep Learning and Grassmannian Pyramids
Small Variance Asymptotics and Bayesian Nonparametrics for Dictionary Learning
Space Alternating Variational Bayesian Learning for LMMSE Filtering
Sparse Autoencoders Using Non-smooth Regularization
Sparse Beamforming for mmWave Spectrum Sharing Systems
Sparse Method for Tip-Timing Signals Analysis with Non Stationary Engine Rotation Frequency
Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning: Support Identification via Mirror Stratifiability
Sparse Phase Retrieval via Iteratively Reweighted Amplitude Flow
Sparse Time-Frequency Representation of Gravitational-Wave Signals in Unions of Wilson Bases
Sparse Time-Frequency-Frequency-Rate Representation for Multicomponent Nonstationary Signal Analysis
Sparsity Based Framework for Spatial Sound Reproduction in Spherical Harmonic Domain
Spatio-Spectral Multichannel Reconstruction from Few Low-Resolution Multispectral Data
Speaker Inconsistency Detection in Tampered Video
Speaking Rate Changes Affect Phone Durations Differently for Neutral and Emotional Speech
Species Related Gas Tracking in Distribution Grids
Spectral Clustering with Automatic Cluster-Number Identification via Finding Sparse Eigenvectors
Spectral MAB for Unknown Graph Processes
Speech Dereverberation Using Fully Convolutional Networks
Speech Enhancement by Classification of Noisy Signals Decomposed Using NMF and Wiener Filtering
Speech Enhancement Using Kalman Filtering in the Logarithmic Bark Power Spectral Domain
Steerable Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
Steered Mixture-of-Experts Approximation of Spherical Image Data
Structured Dictionary Learning for Compressive Speech Sensing
Structured Sparsity Regularization for Gravitational-Wave Polarization Reconstruction
Subspace Classification of Human Gait Using Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures
Subspace-Orbit Randomized-Based Decomposition for Low-rank Matrix Approximations
Superpixel Construction for Hyperspectral Unmixing
Task-Driven Dictionary Learning Based on Convolutional Neural Network Features
Techniques for Gravitational-Wave Detection of Compact Binary Coalescence
Texture Classification Using Fractal Dimension Improved by Local Binary Patterns
The Band-Sampled-Data Collection for the Search of Continuous Gravitational Wave Signals
The Matched Window Reassignment
The Role of Cloud-Computing in the Development and Application of ADAS
Theoretical Study of Multiscale Permutation Entropy on Finite-length Fractional Gaussian Noise
Time Modulated Array Controlled by Periodic Pulsed Signals
Towards Automatic Detection of Animals in Camera-Trap Images
Towards Robust Evaluation of Face Morphing Detection
Towards Understanding the Effects of Practice on Behavioural Biometric Recognition Performance
Tracking and Sensor Fusion in Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Optimal Mass Transport
Transfer Learning for SSVEP-based BCI Using Riemannian Similarities Between Users
Transformed Locally Linear Manifold Clustering
Two-Step Hybrid Multiuser Equalizer for Sub-Connected mmWave Massive MIMO SC-FDMA Systems
Ultrasonic Based Proximity Detection for Handsets
Uncertainty Quantification in Imaging When Convex Optimization Meets Bayesian Analysis
Unified Stochastic Reverberation Modeling
Unsupervised Calibration of RGB-NIR Capture Pairs Utilizing Dense Multimodal Image Correspondences
Use of Topological Data Analysis in Motor Intention Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
User Interaction in Mobile Biometrics
Using Acoustic Parameters for Intelligibility Prediction of Reverberant Speech
Velocity Variability in MRI Phase-Contrast
Virtual Camera Modeling for Multi-View Simulation of Surveillance Scenes
Visual Localization in the Presence of Appearance Changes Using the Partial Order Kernel
Visual Saliency Guided High Dynamic Range Image Compression
Wavelet-based Classification of Transient Signals for Gravitational Wave Detectors
"What are You Listening to?" Explaining Predictions of Deep Machine Listening Systems