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Foreword of the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications

The 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA) took place from July 1 till July 5, 2013, in Bremen, Germany. SampTA’13 brought together mathematicians and engineers interested in sampling theory and its applications to related fields (such as signal and image processing, coding theory, control theory, complex analysis, harmonic analysis, differential equations) to exchange recent advances and to discuss open problems. Paper submissions were invited on any aspect of sampling theory and applications.

The renewed interest in sampling theory, in parts due to the emergence of Compressive Sensing, lead to increased numbers of paper submissions and registrations. All in all, 230 electrical engineers and mathematicians participated at SampTA’13 and we were happy to house them in the Guest House and in a new Residential College of Jacobs University, a fact that greatly enhanced the community spirit that SampTA conferences are known for.

As organizers we were very pleased with the outstanding scientific quality of the conference! This was due in part to the excellent plenary talks:

Robust subspace clusteringEmmanuel Candes
How to best sample a solution manifold?Wolfgang Dahmen
Sampling theory and applications: developments in the last 20 years and future perspectivesHans-Georg Feichtinger
Fast algorithms for sparse Fourier transform Piotr Indyk
Seeing the invisible; predicting the unexpectedMichal Irani
Signal recognition and filter identificationNikolai Nikolskii
Stemming the neural data delugeJan Rabaey
Event-driven sampling and continuous-time digital signal processingYannis Tsividis
Sampling and high-dimensional convex geometryRoman Vershynin

The scientific quality of SampTA’13 is best illustrated through the papers that are published within these proceedings. They represent talks given in the following special sessions (with the invited session organizer listed on the right):

Advances in Compressive SensingHolger Rauhut and Joel Tropp
Circuit Design For Analog to Digital ConvertersYun Chiu
Finite Rate of InnovationChandra Seelamantula
Optical and RF SystemsMichael Gehm and Nathan Goodman
Sampling and Frame TheoryPeter Casazza, Bernhard Bodmann, and Matthew Fickus
Sampling and GeometryStephen Casey and Michael Robinson
Sampling and LearningAlbert Cohen
Sampling and QuantizationHolger Boche, Sinan Güntürk, and Özgür Yilmaz
Sampling for Imaging ScienceJalal Fadili and Gabriel Peyré
Sampling in Bio ImagingBrigitte Forster, Hagai Kirshner, and Michael Unser
Super ResolutionLaurent Demanet

as well as posters and presentations that were organized into the following general sessions:

Compressed Sensing A and B
Time-Frequency Analysis
Harmonic Analysis A and B
Sampling of Bandlimited Functions A and B
Compressive Sensing and Applications
FFT and Related Algorithms

We would like to thank the SampTA’13 sponsors, namely, Jacobs University, DFG (German Research Foundation), IEEE Signal Processing Society, and EURASIP, and hope that you enjoy browsing through the SampTA’13 proceedings!


Götz Pfander, General Chair
Peter Oswald, Finance Chair
Werner Henkel, Publications Chair