Publisher Workshop

EUSIPCO 2018 will feature a Springer Workshop (Free upon registration with the Industry Workshop Organizers to all EUSIPCO participants).


September 4, 2018, Room G, 13:15 - 14:15


Alle-Jan van der Veen, TU Delft, Director of Publications of Eurasip

Angelina Wagner, Springer

Workshop Overview

Springer Nature is organising an author workshop which is aimed at academic staff, researchers and postgraduate students who are interested in publishing. The session will be led by the EURASIP Journals Editors in Chief Alle-Jan van der Veen and Angelina Wagner, Journal Development Manager, Open Access Engineering, who will be sharing their vast experience in publishing at Springer Nature. Topics to be covered are:
  • Manage large sets of images
  • Manuscript Structure
  • Efficient Publication Strategy
  • Successful Journal Submission
  • Publication Ethics
  • Q&A